PROSEA Handbook Number
2: Edible fruits and nuts
Mangifera gedebe Miq.
Vernacular Names
Indonesia: kedepir (Java), gedepir (Sumatra), kepi (Kalimantan).
Western Java, Sumatra and eastern Borneo. Sometimes cultivated.
The fruits are only edible when unripe and are very sour; when ripe, the pulp is too scanty and too hard.
Tree, up to 30 m tall. Leaves elliptic-oblong, 5—23 cm x 2—6 cm, subcoriaceous. Flowers white, stamens 5, only 1 fertile. Fruit an obliquely subrotund drupe, 8—9 cm in diameter, flesh thin, fibrous. Seed labyrinthine, very irregularly lobed or folded. On river banks in lowland or swamp forests, flowering in June—September, fruiting in August—November. The species is rare and urgently requires conservation in Eastern Borneo.
Selected Sources
[7]Bompard, J.M. & Kostermans, A.J.G.H., 1985. Wild Mangifera species in Kalimantan, Indonesia. In: Mehra, K.L. & Sastrapradja, S. (Editors): Proceedings of the International Symposium on South-East Asian Plant Genetic Resources, 20–24 August 1985, Jakarta. Lembaga Biologi Nasional-LIPI, Bogor. pp. 172–174.
[57]Mukherjee, S.K., 1985. Systematic and ecogeographic studies on crop genepools 1. Mangifera L. IBPGR, Rome. 86 pp.
[93]van Steenis, C.G.G.J. et al. (Editors), 1950–. Flora Malesiana. Series 1. Vol. 1, 4–10. Centre for Research and Development in Biology, Bogor, Indonesia, and Rijksherbarium, Leiden, the Netherlands. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, Boston, London.
P.C.M. Jansen, J. Jukema, L.P.A. Oyen, T.G. van Lingen
Correct Citation of this Article
Jansen, P.C.M., Jukema, J., Oyen, L.P.A. & van Lingen, T.G., 1991. Mangifera gedebe Miq.. In: Verheij, E.W.M. and Coronel, R.E. (Editors): Plant Resources of South-East Asia No 2: Edible fruits and nuts. PROSEA Foundation, Bogor, Indonesia. Database record: