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PROSEA Handbook Number

5(1): Timber trees; Major commercial timbers


Agathis dammara (Lambert) Rich.

This article should be read together with the article on the genus: Agathis in the Handbook volume indicated above in this database.


Comm. bot. Conif. Cycad.: 83, t. 19 (1826).


Agathis loranthifolia Salisb. (1807), Agathis celebica (Koord.) Warb. (1900), Agathis hamii Meijer Drees (1940).

Vernacular Names

Indonesia: dammar raja (general), kisi (Buru), salo (Ternate). Philippines: dayungon (Samar).


The Philippines (Palawan and Samar), Sulawesi and the Moluccas; planted on a fairly large scale in Java.


The wood is used as kauri. Agathis dammara is an important source of copal resin.


A very large tree of up to 65 m tall; adult leaves elliptical, 6-8 cm 2-3 cm, tapering towards the rounded apex, with solitary resin canals; mature pollen cones 4-6 cm 1.2-1.4 cm, subtended by a peduncle c. 3 mm long, microsporophylls with a spoon-shaped apical part of c. 2 mm 2.5 mm, slightly angled at the apex; mature seed cones oval, 9-10.5 cm 7.5-9.5 cm, seed bracts roughly obtriangular with a small projection near the base on one side; seed with a short acute projection on one upper corner and a wing on the other. Agathis dammara is scattered but locally common in lowland rain forest up to 1200 m altitude. It is sometimes regarded as conspecific with Agathis philippinensis. The density of the wood is 380-660 kg/m3 at 15% moisture content. See also the table on wood properties.


Agathis dammara (Lambert) Rich. - 1, tree habit; 2, twig with female and male cones; 3, seed scale; 4, seed; 5, microsporophyll

Selected Sources

[92]Brummitt, R.K., 1987. Report of the Committee for Spermatophyta: 33. Taxon 36: 734–739.
[146]Cockburn, P.F., 1976–1980. Trees of Sabah. 2 volumes. Sabah Forest Records No 10. Forest Department Sabah, Kuching.
[163]Dallimore, W. & Jackson, A.B., 1966. A handbook of Coniferae and Ginkgoaceae. 4th edition. Revised by S.G. Harisson. Edward Arnold Ltd., London. xix + 729 pp.
[180]de Laubenfels, D.J., 1978. The Moluccan dammars (Agathis, Araucariaceae). Blumea 24: 499–504.
[359]Keating, W.G. & Bolza, E., 1982. Characteristics, properties and uses of timbers. Vol. 1. South-East Asia, Northern Australia and the Pacific. Inkata Press Proprietary Ltd., Melbourne, Sydney & London. 362 pp.
[453]Manuputty, D.N., 1955. Keluarga Agathis di Indonesia [The genus Agathis in Indonesia]. Rimba Indonesia 4: 132–188.
[463]Martini, 1985. Penyimpanan benih Swietenia macrophylla dan Agathis loranthifolia [Storage behaviour of Swietenia macrophylla and Agathis loranthifolia seed]. Buletin Penelitian Hutan 468: 24–37.
[478]Meijer-Drees, E., 1940. The genus Agathis in Malaysia. Bulletin du Jardin Botanique, Buitenzorg, ser. 3, 16: 455–474.
[565]Quiniones, S.S., 1980. Notes on the diseases of forest trees in the Philippines. Sylvatrop 5: 263–271.
[584]Riyanto T.W., 1980. Observing natural regeneration at former Agathis loranthifolia selective felling area. Duta Rimba 6(40): 3–8.
[629]Smits, W.T.M., 1983. Vegetative propagation of Shorea cf. obtusa and Agathis dammara by means of leaf-cuttings and stem-cuttings. Malaysian Forester 46: 175–185.
[663]Sumantri, I. & Sastrodimedjo, S., 1976. Percobaan penyadapan Agathis hamii M.Dr. di Sulawesi Selatan [Tapping trials of Agathis hamii M.Dr. in South Sulawesi]. Laporan No 58. Lembaga Penelitian Hasil Hutan, Bogor. 13 pp.
[666]Suriamihardja, S., 1979. Seed characteristics of Agathis loranthifolia. Malaysian Forester 42: 214–220.
[748]van Steenis, C.G.G.J. & de Wilde, W.J.J.O. (Editors), 1950–. Flora Malesiana. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, Boston, London.
[749]Veldkamp, J.F. & de Laubenfels, D.J., 1984. Proposal to reject Pinus dammara (Araucariaceae). Taxon 33: 337–347.
[762]Wardi & Soewarsono, P.H., 1963. Preliminary study on the physical and mechanical properties of Indonesian woods. Laporan No 5. Lembaga Penelitian Hasil Hutan, Bogor.
[773]Whitmore, T.C., 1977. A first look at Agathis. Tropical Forestry Papers No 11. Commonwealth Forestry Institute, University of Oxford. ix + 54 pp.
[774]Whitmore, T.C., 1980. A monograph of Agathis. Plant Systematics and Evolution 135: 41–69.
[775]Whitmore, T.C., 1980. Utilization, potential and conservation of Agathis, a genus of tropical Asian conifers. Economic Botany 34: 1–12.
[776]Whitmore, T.C., 1984. Tropical rain forests of the Far East. 2nd edition. Clarendon Press, Oxford. xvi + 352 pp.
[780]Whitmore, T.C. & Page, C.N., 1980. Evolutionary implications of the distribution and ecology of the tropical conifer Agathis. New Phytologist 84: 407–416.


C.C.H. Jongkind

Correct Citation of this Article

Jongkind, C.C.H., 1993. Agathis dammara (Lambert) Rich.. In: Soerianegara, I. and Lemmens, R.H.M.J. (Editors): Plant Resources of South-East Asia No 5(1): Timber trees; Major commercial timbers. PROSEA Foundation, Bogor, Indonesia. Database record:

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