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Record Number


PROSEA Handbook Number

5(3): Timber trees; Lesser-known timbers


Adenanthera pavonina L.

This article should be read together with the article on the genus: Adenanthera in the Handbook volume indicated above in this database.


Adenanthera gersenii Scheffer.

Vernacular Names

Coralwood (En). Indonesia: kitoke laut (Sundanese), saga telik, segawe sabrang (Javanese). Malaysia: saga tumpul (Peninsular). Philippines: malatanglin (Filipino). Burma (Myanmar): mai-chek. Cambodia: chan' trèi. Laos: lam2. Thailand: ma klam ta chang, ma klam ton (general), ma hok daeng (northern).


Sri Lanka, southern Burma (Myanmar), Indo-China, southern China, Thailand, throughout Malesia (except for the Philippines) and the Solomon Islands; widely cultivated and occasionally naturalized within this region, but also commonly planted in India and Africa.


Adenanthera pavonina L. – 1, tree habit; 2, leaf; 3, inflorescence; 4, flower; 5, pod; 6, seed.


J.P. Rojo

Correct Citation of this Article

Rojo, J.P., 1998. Adenanthera pavonina L.. In: Sosef, M.S.M., Hong, L.T. and Prawirohatmodjo, S. (Editors): Plant Resources of South-East Asia No 5(3): Timber trees; Lesser-known timbers. PROSEA Foundation, Bogor, Indonesia. Database record:

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