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Record Number


PROSEA Handbook Number

5(3): Timber trees; Lesser-known timbers


Bruguiera gymnorhiza (L.) Savigny

This article should be read together with the article on the genus: Bruguiera in the Handbook volume indicated above in this database.


Bruguiera conjugata Merr.

Vernacular Names

Black mangrove, Burma mangrove (En). Indonesia: putut (Sumatra), tanjang (Java). Malaysia: bakau besar, tumu merah (Peninsular), berus kurong (Sarawak), putut (Sabah). Papua New Guinea: black mangrove (En), mangoro (Pidgin). Philippines: busaing (general). Singapore: tumu merah. Burma (Myanmar): byu-u-talon. Cambodia: kong kang, prâsâk' nhii, prâsâk' tôôch. Thailand: kong-kang hua sum, prasak (central). Vietnam: v[ej]t d[uf].


From tropical East Africa and Madagascar, through South and South-East Asia, to north-eastern Australia, Micronesia and Polynesia.


Bruguiera gymnorhiza (L.) Savigny – 1, tree habit; 2, flowering twig; 3, petal with enclosed stamen-pair; 4, fruit and hypocotyl.


Saberi Othman

Correct Citation of this Article

Othman, S., 1998. Bruguiera gymnorhiza (L.) Savigny. In: Sosef, M.S.M., Hong, L.T. and Prawirohatmodjo, S. (Editors): Plant Resources of South-East Asia No 5(3): Timber trees; Lesser-known timbers. PROSEA Foundation, Bogor, Indonesia. Database record:

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